Telesar 35mm f/2.8 Auto Wide Angle

of f/2.8. This lens has a good build quality and is made of high-quality materials. It has a good resolution, which means that the images produced are sharp and clear. The lens elements are coated to reduce flare and ghosting, which can cause unwanted reflections in the image. The lens has a wide angle of view, which means that it can capture a large area in a single shot. The bokeh, or the quality of the out-of-focus areas in the image, is good. This lens is available in different mounts, which means that it can be used with different camera brands. The lens is a manual focus lens, which means that the user has to adjust the focus manually. The lens is suitable for landscape, architecture, and street photography. The lens is manufactured with precision and takes a considerable amount of time to manufacture. Overall, Telesar 35mm f/2.8 Auto Wide Angle is a good choice for those who want a wide angle lens with good optical quality and build quality.

Optical design

Bright lens thanks to the high aperture value

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