Hanimex 500-800mm f/8-12 Mirror

It is a mirror lens, which means it uses a combination of lenses and mirrors to reflect light and create an image. This design reduces the size and weight of the lens, making it more portable than traditional telephoto lenses.

The lens has a fixed aperture range of f/8-12, which means it may not perform well in low light conditions. However, the aperture range can create a unique bokeh effect, which is the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas in an image.

The lens is made up of multiple glass elements, which are coated to reduce reflections and improve image quality. It is a well-built lens that can last for a long time with proper care.

This lens is a manual focus lens, which means the photographer must adjust the focus ring to get a sharp image. This can be challenging, especially when photographing moving subjects. However, some photographers prefer manual focus lenses because they offer more control over the final image.

Overall, the Hanimex 500-800mm f/8-12 Mirror lens is a unique option for photographers who want a compact and portable telephoto lens with a distinctive bokeh effect. There are alternative lenses available that offer autofocus and wider aperture ranges, but they may be more expensive and heavier. The lens was manufactured in the past, so it may be difficult to find a new one, but used models are sometimes available. The lens has a good resolution and can produce sharp images when used correctly.

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