Chinon 40-105mm f/3.5 Multi Coated

Chinon 40-105mm f/3.5 Multi Coated is a camera glass that can be used on full frame cameras. It has a zoom function that allows the photographer to adjust the focal length from 40mm to 105mm. The lens has multiple elements that are coated to reduce reflections and increase contrast. The lens has a manual focus system where the photographer needs to adjust the focus ring. The lens has a good build quality and was manufactured in the past. The lens has an average aperture of f/3.5 which is suitable for low light conditions. The lens produces a good bokeh effect when used at wider apertures. The lens does not have autofocus capabilities and requires the photographer to manually focus. The lens has an average resolution and can produce sharp images when used correctly. There are alternative lenses available in the market that offer similar focal length and aperture. Overall, the Chinon 40-105mm f/3.5 Multi Coated lens is a good option for photographers who prefer manual focus and are looking for a budget-friendly option.

Optical design

Average brightness in this league Has 6 aperture blades, this number of blades are commonly used. Having rounded blades provides out of focus circle shape closer to a circle.

Physical characteristics

With a lens filter diameter of 67 mm commonly filter size, offers a wide range of filter options.

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