Aetna Rokunar 35-150mm f/3.5-4.5 MC Auto

This camera glass has a focal length range of 35-150mm, which means it can zoom in and out to capture distant or close-up subjects. The optics consist of several lens elements coated to reduce glare and improve image clarity. The aperture can be adjusted from f/3.5 to f/4.5, allowing for a shallow depth of field and smooth bokeh. The build quality is sturdy and durable, and it was manufactured some time ago. It is a manual focus lens, which means the photographer needs to adjust the focus ring to get a sharp image. The resolution is decent, and it can produce sharp and clear photos when used correctly. There are alternative lenses available in the market with similar features, but they may have different mounts, autofocus capabilities, or different manufacturing times. Overall, Aetna Rokunar 35-150mm f/3.5-4.5 MC Auto is a reliable and versatile photographic lens that can produce high-quality images with proper use.

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